It doesn’t matter if you’re a marketing professional trying to understand the behavior of customers or a healthcare professional seeking to improve the quality of care for patients or a leader in the business world seeking to boost growth and increase profits Data analysis is a must. This involves looking at the data, cleaning it, changing it and then re-modelling it with the intention of uncovering useful information and informing conclusions.

Insights gleaned from the data analysis process can be used to formulate strategies, adjust perspectives and spur innovation throughout your business. It is essential to have the appropriate tools to effectively perform data analysis.

You must first identify the research questions that will guide you. These should be quantifiable and closely connected to your business objectives. Segmenting your data could help you manage the process and help you keep on track. For example, if you’re interested in how certain departments are performing you can create distinct segments based on departments to find hidden patterns and trends.

If you have a topic in your mind, begin collecting data. Your data analytics platform can aid you in this process because it is designed to collect and organize your data in a simple format.

Quantitative data is usually stored in internal systems (such as spreadsheets, CRM software, or archived documents) While qualitative data can be found in external sources (such as surveys or websites data). It is essential to cleanse your data before beginning the analysis process. This will make sure you’re working with a data set free of errors and outliers which could cause the results to be distorted.